gallipoli: lest we forget

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IMG_9053As Australians, visiting Gallipoli carried a lot of significance for us. Before going to Turkey, if there was ONLY one place in Turkey that we were able to go to, we would’ve chosen Gallipoli without a second thought. Having studied the Battle of Gallipoli in school and learning of all those soldiers losing their lives, we needed to see where it all happened, the place that marked such a dark day in Australian history (April 25 1915).

The size of ANZAC Cove is small to say the least, to expect a campaign of 4000 men to land. Admittedly, it was soon learnt that the troops were meant to arrive at Brighton Beach which is much bigger and a little further a south. It was no wonder that so many died on that fateful day.

ANZAC Cover - wasn't very big at all
ANZAC Cove – wasn’t very big at all

Standing on the cove with the gorgeous sunshine on our faces, we tried to picture what it would be like to be here of a night, approaching the shore to face an “enemy” in the dead of the night. And we couldn’t imagine it, it’s impossible for us to fathom what would have been going through the minds of the troops. In one direction, the sea appears to goes on forever and in the other direction, the mountains stretch the length of the coast with Turkish soldiers up top or on the other side.

Now, the scenery is so very peaceful and serene and all we can hear is the tide as it hits the shore.

The memorial at ANZAC Cove by Ataturk was so touching – it was the first that we had ever heard or seen these words. We would hope that it had provided a little comfort to all the families that lost loved ones during this war from both sides. The words are really worth sharing (click on the picture & it will enlarge to be legible).


The remainder of our time in Gallipoli we saw Beach Cemetery, Lone Pine and the Turkish Memorial.  It is at Lone Pine where the name of one of the youngest known solders to have died is inscribed. He was 14 years and 9 months. To think back to when we were that old, would we have lied about our age so that we could enlist into the army and fight for our country?

Lone Pine Memorial
Lone Pine Memorial

We can imagine how being in Gallipoli on ANZAC day would be emotional and surreal because being there on any given Monday like we were, it still felt pretty special!

If there is anything anyone should take away is that war destroys lives and causes loss of life. However we cannot change the way things are but what we can do is pay our respect and remember those who have lost their lives in battle. And to also support those servicemen and women who serve our countries: in the past, present and future. LEST WE FORGET.

8 thoughts on “gallipoli: lest we forget

    Diana said:
    September 19, 2015 at 11:12 pm

    I saw the movie with Mel Gibson… an American I admit I learned about this through Hollywood (typical American I admit)….anyway…the movie was very sad….

      wisemonkeysabroad responded:
      September 20, 2015 at 5:02 am

      Well in many ways we learn about American history through movies too… At least the basics and if we want a more thorough understanding then we hit the books or more likely the Internet these days 🙂

    Jaspa said:
    November 13, 2013 at 12:04 am

    A lovely post. Gallipoli to Australians is like Vimy Ridge to Canadians. We were lucky enough to visit Vimy on Remembrance Day a couple of years ago…

      wisemonkeysabroad responded:
      November 13, 2013 at 6:58 am

      Thank you for your comment and for sharing your post 🙂

    Roma RoamingRequired (@RoamingRequired) said:
    October 22, 2013 at 6:54 pm

    Gallopoli is on my list too. You just can’t NOT do Gallipoli. It’s built into us like Vegemite and driving on the left. To not go is simply ‘Un-Australian’. Did you stay close by or camp?

      wisemonkeysabroad responded:
      October 22, 2013 at 7:36 pm

      So true – it was our must see in Turkey! We stayed in Canakkale which is a ferry ride away, not far at all! We really enjoyed it…. But then again, we loved Turkey through & through! You must get there some day 🙂

    crazytraintotinkytown said:
    October 20, 2013 at 7:38 am

    My great grandfather fought in that campaign with the Irish regiment of the Connaught Rangers and he was only 17 years old and here we are many years later and my nephew at 17 years of age has just joined the Rifles

      wisemonkeysabroad responded:
      October 20, 2013 at 7:46 am

      Thanks for reading & commenting! Wow – that is so honourable at such a young age, both of them!

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